Wednesday, November 2, 2016

October Update

Our family's afternoon to Table Rock State Park  

A Publication of the                                                
Carolina Forest Church Plant            
in Myrtle Beach, SC

October, 2016                                          
Volume 1, Issue 10 


Horne Family News

Beliefs Determine Behavior
By Mark Horne

I don’t know how many of you believe this statement,  but it took me a long time to grasp the concept. This year, as I have filled pulpits and preached at other churches, I have been preaching through Galatians and this major point hit home with me. At the beginning of chapter 3 verses 1-6, Paul makes an exclamation and then asks several questions to his church.  O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified. Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? … just as Abraham “believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”?  I think a lot of people struggle with the concept of believing. Many like the idea of believing, but still hold on to the mentality of working for salvation. Others like the idea of  believing , but can never feel secure in God’s promises. Still others like the idea of believing,  but can’t fully trust  the intangible, the meta-physical, the super-natural power of God, which is at work in his or her life.  The Galatians had trouble with these things as well. They liked the idea of believing in Christ for their salvation, but they  struggled with the fact that they had nothing to do with it .  And because of this, they allowed false teachers to bewitch them. Their belief changed from what Paul taught them, which was freedom in Christ, to what the  false teacher taught them, which was  you have to keep the law perfectly in order to be saved.  That one change in what the Galatians believed altered their whole life-perspective and the way they lived for God.  Each one of us needs to hold fast to the truth of God’s  Word of His redeeming power in Christ Jesus.  For who we truly believe Jesus to be in our life  governs how we live that life.

Another aspect of this  account is the life of the church. Not only were individuals affected by  their change in what they believed, the whole church became toxic with the idea.  Once they lost sight of Christ, everything else went down the drain. In my opinion, a church has to know its  mission. It has to know its purpose in its  community. Each individual needs to know why they have Christ, as well as the church as a whole. I think it is twice as important for a church in its beginning. If the church plant isn’t clear on its mission, why it is even coming into existence, it can easily become bewitched like the Galatian church. Our mission for CFC is clear, concise,  and direct. Simply stated , “our mission at Carolina Forest Church is to embrace the community  of Carolina Forest and the greater Myrtle Beach area with the good news of Jesus Christ, edifying each other through God’s Word and empowering one another to share the love of God through ministries of evangelism and mercy. “ Pray with us that as this work gets off the ground our eyes will stay focused on, and our hearts remain in accord with, Our Savior. 

Missionary Focus on C.T. Studd
By Mark Horne

I thought in this issue of Horne Family News I would highlight one (of many) of my favorite missionaries.  Charles Thomas “C.T.” Studd born in Spratton, Northamptonshire, England (Dec. 2, 1860—July 16, 1931), he was a missionary to China, Africa, and the Congo.  Interestingly, he was an outstanding cricket player for Trinity College, Cambridge in England.
After his conversion, one of his brothers became ill and it caused Studd to ask himself, “What is all this fame and flattery worth when you have to stand before God?” Needless to say that realization made Studd  a man fully committed to advancing the Kingdom of Christ.  He then devoted his life completely to the mission field.

C.T. Studd felt the Lord leading him to China.  He inquired into Hudson Taylor’s ministry , the
China Inland Mission. He, along with six other men, were accepted to the fruitful work in China. However, before they left, they  went on a tour of England  to share the  Gospel of Jesus Christ. These  seven men would earn the  nickname “The Cambridge Seven.”

Finally, Studd so relied on God  and the life of faith that while he was in China he gave all of his inheritance away when his father died.  He knew that God’s sovereign hand so directs circumstances that  He would drop a large sum of money at just the right moment. He encouraged missionaries to take risks and rely on God’s providence. On his stance  of giving towards missions he said, “"If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him." 

"Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell; I wish to run a rescue mission within a yard of hell." — C.T. Studd

 Financial and Prayer Partnerships (FPPs)

Financial Update
God has continued to bless the 
CFC plant this month. 
Through your efforts and prayers,  
our account went from 
38% to 42%. 
We still have a ways 
to go to be where we
 feel like God wants us, 
but we are that much 
closer to goal.

I have to tell you how many blessings have come upon this ministry as we prepare to go to the mission field of Myrtle Beach, and particularly the community of Carolina Forest. We have witnessed God’s provision in sending more financial and prayer partners (you have heard the young folks talk about their BFFs, well what is even better is what I call our FPPs).  It is an understatement to suggest that we could not be more thankful than we are now to be almost at  the halfway point in funding in three months.  This ministry could not get off the ground without the prayers and support of our FPPs. Each one of them is a Cornelius to us!

I’m sure you remember Cornelius in Acts chapter 10. He was the Italian Centurion that lived in Caesarea. This is what God’s Word tells  us about him in verse 2 and following:

“He was a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, and gave many alms to the Jewish people and prayed to God continually. About the ninth hour of the day he clearly saw in a vision an angel of God who had just come in and said to him, "Cornelius!" And fixing his gaze on him and being much alarmed, he said, "What is it, Lord?" And he said to him, "Your prayers and alms have ascended as a memorial before God. “  And then when he was explaining to Peter why he did what he did  he states, “and he said, 'Cornelius, your prayer has been heard and your alms have been remembered before God. ‘”

There is not a ministry or mission that exists without the Corneliuses that are used by God to make it happen. Most of them are silent partners. However, they  are the backbone of the mission. Cornelius was a man of prayer and of financial giving. He appealed, pleaded and petitioned God  for the work of His Kingdom. When he saw needs, Cornelius gave freely. How powerfully this man was used by God! Just think, to have your prayers “as a memorial before God,” and your giving “remembered before God,” that had to be special to hear.

Although we have been quickly blessed beyond measure; yet, as stated to the left in the financial update;  we still have a ways to go. Even if you, or your church can’t support us long-term, would you consider a one-time donation? Could your church take up a love-offering for Carolina Forest?  The one-time partners add up just like the long-term partners. They really do. More importantly than the donations is pray for this work. It has been a long time coming. Sixteen plus years men and women have prayed for this church to start in Carolina Forest.  It is literally months away from getting off the ground. And we know that whatever obstacles are in front of us, financial or otherwise, prayer will overcome.

Katherine at Table Rock State Park
Family Time

This month, we took a Saturday afternoon and visited Table Rock State Park, SC. It was a great day for us as we really haven’t done much as a complete family in a while. With Tanner in college and working at the Anderson YMCA, and then the rest of our schedules, the five of us just have not been able to  have an adventure together.

It was a great day as we took off in the minivan, packed with picnic items, and listening to the Carolina Gamecocks and UMass game on the way. We stopped and bought some boiled peanuts and ate them while taking in the change in color of the leaves along the highway.

Jonathan (top) & Tanner (below)
relaxing at
Table Rock State Park
Like our past visits, upon arriving we ventured out to hike the trail. I insisted that we tackle half the Table Rock Trail. It was a good hike and Jonathan got to take some really cool pictures for his
Instagram account. We made it back to the picnic area and we set up to grill hamburgers and enjoy great fellowship with each other. We laughed and cut up. I was a little nostalgic remembering when all three were babies I would hike with them on my back.  And now, in the blink of an eye, those babies are grown.  The two boys entering into manhood and seeking the Lord’s will for their  own life.

We are truly blessed with children who love God and have put their trust in Christ. It reminds me of Psalm 127:3-5 which states, Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate..

We are excited by what God is doing in this church plant. And we are just as excited about what He is doing in our children’s lives. We  are blessed to have them be a part of our ministry. Each one adds value to our family and to the calling he has given to our family. Pray with us for our children. Pray that God will continue to lead and guide them in His will. Pray that their decisions  will be based on much prayer and God’s Word. And pray that their faith will remain steadfast even in turbulent times that may be ahead for them.

Prayer Items

  • That God will continue to go before us working out His providence and revealing His will.
  • That God is working in hearts so that we can bring together a core group when we get there.
  • That God will show us the home that will be suitable for the ministry of hospitality.
  • That God will be working in the hearts of men that will be our provisional Session.
  • That God will raise up a musically gifted worship leader for the work.
  • That God will help us to effectively share our vision with churches/individuals who will partner with us through prayer and finances.
  • That God will give us safe travels to and from these churches we visit.
  • That our new website will be up and running smoothly.
  • For school (Lisa, Jonathan, Katherine – homeschooling & Tanner – college) to be diligent in all they do.
  • That we will find a good homeschool association when we get to Myrtle Beach.
  • That we will be patient and  remain faithful when things aren’t “happening” as quickly as we would like.


Praise Items

  • I know these are a repeat of last month, but they still hold true this month. This ministry truly
    has been blessed by:
  • The work of Pee Dee Presbytery as they have figured out who will make up our provisional Session.
  • The prayer and financial partners that have already committed to this work.
  • The interest that is growing for the work God has called us and those who can’t wait to see a church in Carolina Forest!
  • All of the churches that allowed us to come and share our vision with them.
  • Lisa, Jonathan and Katherine as homeschooling has gone extremely well so far this year.
  • Tanner is doing well in his first semester of college.

Carolina Forest Church 

This church plant began with a vision  some seventeen years ago. Faith, PCA in Myrtle Beach heard that Horry County and a national company in the area wanted to develop the Carolina Forest community. With this development tracts of land would be sold for churches to start for the residents.  Through much prayer, patience, and partnership with Surfside, PCA God has  revealed that now is the time for this church to get going.

CFC is a church in the Presbyterian Church in America denomination whose distinctiveness  lies in our stress on both reformation and revival and our commitment to the Scriptures and the historic Westminster Standards based firmly on a biblical theology that answers the questions and issues of each culture and people to which we minister.  (


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