Tuesday, May 10, 2016

God is Blessing

And the people said to Joshua, "the LORD our God we will serve, and His voice we will obey." ~ Joshua 24:24

Yesterday (5/1/16) we were able to go back to Norris Hill, PCA in Anderson, SC to hear an old friend speak. In the middle of the family is Dr. Clarke MacIntosh. He is a medical doctor and missionary to the Sudan region in Africa. For the past seven years he has worked with the tribes in the area that have minor needs to major medical needs all-the-while sharing the gospel. He is a great guy and a very dear brother in Christ to us.

In his message yesterday he gave a quote that really hit home to us as we venture into church planting. In our family devotions Sunday night we discussed at length much of what Clarke said and particularly this by Denny Dyvigi, "We go into missions thinking we are doing God a favor, and in reality, He is calling us to go so that He can bless us."

This was a heart check for me; not because I desire God's blessings on this earth; but in reflection, I asked myself, "Am I doing what I am doing because I want to do God a favor?" This is a positive way of asking myself if I really think so highly of myself that God needs me for this work. Of course, the answer is no. One thing I've learned in my fifteen years of ministry is that God doesn't need me for anything. Our Sovereign LORD is perfectly capable of doing His will without me. And, when I often think too highly of myself, He has a way of letting me know.

The whole impetus for our family to church plant, and for me personally, is Joshua 24:24...obedience to His voice...serving Him. God has given us a place to go and we are excited about it. We can't wait to share with you where that place is. However, right now is the phase of meeting with Sessions and MNA Committees, making plans and getting materials together, and raising support. All of this preliminary work is vital to ensure a good start to the new church.

Finally, let me mention what has happened over the last two weeks since our last newsletter. I went to the Pee Dee Presbytery meeting to talk with some individuals about the church plant and introduce myself to others with whom I only have talked on the telephone. It was a very fruitful time being with these fathers and brothers in the faith. There was much encouragement and for that I am thankful. Also, I had a great meeting with the acting MNA Coordinator afterwards at Starbucks. We spent time together getting to know one another and sharing testimonies. This past weekend we went to Atlanta for our annual Teach Them Diligently home school convention. We heard Ken HamSteve Green and Stephen Kendrick speak on various topics. Tanner and Jonathan were interviewed by Todd Friel of Wretched Radio. I'll let you know when that episode airs.

So, we have had an eventful couple of weeks. To quote Mr. Beaver in Chronicles of Narnia, "They say Aslan is on the move - perhaps he has already landed." Amen to that!! God is on the move with this church plant. We are ready to follow when He gives us the signal.

We would love for you to partner with us in this ministry. See the side page for more information.